QSN3 Gas Pipeline
Gondwana Consulting provided front end logistics and support to the planning phase of this 955km gas pipeline project. The 450mm diameter pipeline was constructed between Wallumbilla in central west Queensland to Moomba in north east South Australia.
Landowner, Environmental and Cultural Heritage Management
Client: Nacap Australia Pty Ltd (for Epic Energy)
Gondwana Consulting provided logistics and planning support in the form of on ground confirmation of environmental values and contraints (significant remnant vegetation, high value watercourses and erosive soils), identification of construction assets (water and gravel sources, access routes and proposed camp and stockpile sites), Aboriginal survey and clearance of the construction corridor, assistance with obtaining government approvals and landowner liaison on an as needed basis.
Gondwana Consulting provided on ground landowner liaison, environmental and cultural heritage management services during the construction phase.