Gondwana Consulting was commissioned to undertake a study and subsequent report that records the Botany bay LGA’s Aboriginal cultural heritage sites and value, involves a community-supported assessment of their significance and future directions for their protection/management/presentation, and provides an information source to help the wider community to appreciate these values (where also appropriate) and establish […]
Archive by Author
North Head Sydney
This high profile project involves the preparation of a Construction Environmental Management Plan to provide a framework and direction for the mitigation of environmental impacts arising from proposed major works at the AFP facility at North Head. Construction and Operational Environmental Management Plan Client: Brewster Hjorth Architects and Australian Federal Police. The proposed works include […]
QSN3 Gas Pipeline
Gondwana Consulting provided front end logistics and support to the planning phase of this 955km gas pipeline project. The 450mm diameter pipeline was constructed between Wallumbilla in central west Queensland to Moomba in north east South Australia. Landowner, Environmental and Cultural Heritage Management Client: Nacap Australia Pty Ltd (for Epic Energy) Gondwana Consulting provided logistics and planning […]
Victorian Desalination Plant
Gondwana Consulting’s Construction Services team has been successful in winning the service provision of key Environmental Management roles for the consortium constructing the Victorian desalination plant. Construction Environmental Management Client: Theiss Degremont Nacap Joint Venture Gondwana Consulting’s Construction Services team has been successful in winning the service provision of key Environmental Management roles for the consortium constructing the […]
Mill Creek Catchment
The Mill Creek sub-catchment is one of the major tributary drainage systems feeding into the mid Georges River, and has been selected by management authorities as one of two locations where projects will be developed and implemented to address the diverse impacts affecting the river and its catchments. NATURAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT […]